Hello everyone,

Back again so soon? Good, because you are in for a treat with this one. Yes. You read the title correctly. I am reviewing… a Star Wars movie. I know, I bet right now you are all thinking “why would she do this to herself? One wrong move and she won’t be taken seriously.” I’m a bold person and if not now, then when? I am terrified about what you all will think so “help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.” Also, no dad-themed joke this time. It’s not Empire Strikes Back.


*play this while reading for the full experience^*

For those of you who don’t know Star Wars, (which I’m physically shocked if you don’t but understand not everyone has such cool childhoods) then Star Wars may sound strange to you. “Is it the telling of Joan Crawford and Bette Davis’ feud?” No. That’s the show – Feud – also highly recommend because it is captivating but not the point. Star Wars is a story about the Imperial forces that hold Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) hostage on a giant moon-like structure called the Death Star, in their attempt to stop the rebellion against the Galatic Empire. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill, fun fact: was the voice of a recent planetarium showing at the Adventure Science Center in Nashville, Tennessee) and Han Solo (Harrison Ford), captain of the Millennium Falcon, work together with the coolest droids ever (C-3PO and R2-D2 who are played by Kenny Baker and Anthony Daniels) to save the princess, help the rebel alliance, and restore peace to the galaxy.

Now if you haven’t watched Star Wars, that was my synopsis and spoilers are coming ahead.

Let’s set the scene. I’m sitting at my desk on iTunes getting ready to play the movie of every nerdy sci-fi loving being. I press play and see those ten little words that foreshadow excitement. “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….” Then immediately here one of the most iconic scores of all time and hum along. “Ba ba ba BA BAAAA BABABABAAAA BA BA BA BA BAAA,” and see that giant yellow logo fly past the screen into deep space followed by the setting to the story and the test to see how fast I can read it before it disappears forever (unless I rewind). The screen pans down to a world unlike any other and two spaceships battling it out. On one of those ships is when we meet our trusty sidekicks C-3PO and R2-D2. From there we also see many fighters for the rebellion at the ready for war with the stormtroopers (aka: the worst shots ever). Alas, we meet the villain of it all. Darth Vader (voiced by James Earl Jones). Darth Vader seems to be one of, if not the most well-known villain of all time. His mask and clothing alone are so popular that when someone bears them, it is unmistakeable who they are trying to capture. Cut to scene where Princess Leia has been captured by the Empire. Everyone knows that Princess Leia is not one to be trifled with because the first thing she has to say is a sass filled remark to a man in a dark mask that, not two scenes before was choking a man out for information. *Let it be known I type this on my laptop that is graced with a beautiful Princess Leia sticker under my keys.* Soon we find our sidekicks on a different planet with these strange and creepy foreign characters called Jawas. They are being sold to our other main character Luke Skywalker. Luke is just a simple farmer brought into the rebellion because a message from the princess R2-D2 had in his software. This leads them on an adventure to find Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness). Star Wars  is nothing short of pure unadulterated entertainment, something that was lacking in most movies at the time this came out (1977). This movie has zero gray areas. The bad guys are really bad, the good guys are really good, and the two never meet except for in battle. This epic series brought us lightsabers. LIGHTSABERS, GUYS. Such an awesome concept! An energy source that can cut a person (or their arm…) in half/off???? We have amazing and nearly life-like CGI nowadays but back then Star Wars was so impressive and mesmerizing. I wish I owned a time machine so I could go back to 1977 and watch everyone’s face in the movie theater to see the pure shock and awe of it all.

Let’s talk about my favorite scene, which I think may be most people’s favorite, the Cantina scene. Luke and Obi-Wan enter and you immediately hear the most upbeat jig. I love it and I am fairly certain it has been my ringtone many a time. You see so many different characters and new species all in one room and I don’t know about you guys buuuuuuut they are creatures I could never even dream up, including Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew). In this fine establishment filled with smugglers, criminals charged with the death penalty on 12 systems, and the finest pilot around, Han Solo, who flies the humble but strong Millennium Falcon.

As for my favorite character… Luke Skywalker. Luke could never catch a break. A heroic 19-year-old figure so expertly crafted and someone who, over the years, almost became – undeservedly – the punchline. He has the best story arc, the best fight scenes (until the prequels he’s the only hero to engage in proper, full-on lightsaber duels) and even the greatest scene of the entire saga. Sure, sure, Han’s carbonite farewell in Empire Strikes Back has crushing emotional oomph, but it’s the Vader/Skywalker showdown, with its climactic bombshell revelation, that stands as the entire canon’s single most memorable, most iconic, most numbingly impactful moment. Luke becomes a self-taught Jedi. He learns about Jedi history from Taneetch Soonta, visits and trains at the Jedi Temples and Vrogas Vas, finds and reads Kenobi’s journals from Tatooine, and experiments with his own Force abilities through trial-and-error. Mark Hamill portrays someone who is lost in life and all because a couple of droids show up, he is given a new purpose and is finally able to fulfill his destiny.

Now I could keep telling you all about the movie and the different scenes that come along with it, but I really prefer you watching it for yourself because I can not even capture the innovation and imagination that George Lucas had with simple words on a web page. One day I hope to fulfill my childhood dreams with 8 million dollars like George Lucas did but alas, that will probably never happen so I will just talk about with you all instead.

And it would not be right of me if I did not touch on Carrie Fisher. Carrie Fisher was an icon and one of the first women who showed young girls that being tough and not just pretty is not something to be frowned upon. She inspired me and gave me the courage to be whoever I want to be. Like many others, I was devastated when I found out about her passing but was reminded to remember her like she always wanted. “I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.” And you shall be, Carrie. You shall be.

Remember these are not the droids you are looking for and when life gives you lemons,

Image result for star wars a new hope gif